Thursday, June 08, 2006

That was fun..........

So i just had my first interview of twelve...sweet. It was at pfizer global Inc. They make a lot of different products, specifically at this plant they make 90% of the world's supply of Listerene. Pretty cool. I got to see how the plant works and all the ins and out of the tanks and pressurized mechanizms. The guy who did my interview was prett chill. Easy to talk to but he was still so intelligent that it made you feel like an idiot. He was definately a lot of help in letting me know what i did right and wrong. Not really sure if I want thia job though. The money is AMAZING but its in Lititz which is a 1.5hr drove away, so I wouldn't get to see any of my friends here at Drexel for the whole co-op term. O well, we shall see what the future brings.


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