Thursday, June 08, 2006

I hate idiots my friend asked me to peer-review her paper for HUM 108...simole enough right? So her roomie is a comm. major and has the nerve to tell me that my advice on the poetry is wrong. She says and i quote: "You are an engineer, so you don't know anything about poetry." Hmmmmm now lets analyze this statement shall we? You are basing your ENTIRE argument on a intelligent of you. My advice was that she should re-write a paragraph because she missinterpreted the poem....which she did. The poem, written in prose, specifically outlines the authors point of view and as such is not open to interpretation....kinda like if i say 2+2=4, you can't interpreate that to say "i like pie" .....sorry doesn't work that way. Not every poem is open to the random interpreation of those reading it. In conclusion....i hate idiots who think they are always better than you based on something other than factual information.


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