Monday, June 12, 2006

Good day

So today i FINALLY finished my "training" for giving campus walking tours....something i've been meaning to do. There just wasn't enought time in my schedule before with frshman design prject. But I figured since I'm going to be working at admissions over the summer its kinda something i'll need. On another note, I had my Physics III - E and M final this morning which was awesome. See, normally I would've studied for hours on end, but i was lazy last night and ended up only tudying for about an hour. So I woke up early this morning to finiah....but wasn't that much work on my part....and I still destroyed that test. So tomorrow I have no finals, but I need to "study" for bio....which brings me to my next topic....

Why as Engineers do i need to take bio? And not just regular bio, but stupid, insignificant bio that happens to be taught by a Nazi. We are assign about 60 pages to read for any given quiz....which is 16 questions long. Now, lets do the math shall we? So we have roughly 1 question ever 4 pages. Now to me....and I may be crazy....a test or quiz should test knowledge of usefull information (especially since we are paying for this), it should NOT however test insignificant bits of information that have no consequence to me whatesoever. Such as: "what microbe causes Malaria?" (A one-liner in our text). Now, tell me if you will, when in my future as an Electrical Engineer will I need to know this? I am so glad that CoE decided to change the curriculum for next year, so that hopefully no one ever needs to be taught by this bitter and vengeull professor ever again. Think I'm lying? One of my friends who won't be here for the last part of finals week asked to take the final early (accompanied by a note from a professor asking permission to do just that) and she was yelled at! WTF professor Quinlan. Get a life besides making intelligent students miserable with your course.........and that is what grinds my gears.