Friday, June 16, 2006 mate....

So I'm finally done for the year.....bleh. My last final in MAterials I was HORRIBIBBLLLLEEEEE. thats right. stupid class. O well, nothing to do now but look towards the future. So I'm taking a class called Religion in Dialogue this summer for three credits. Hopefully, it lives up to my expectations. I'm really excited to start working at admissions full-time, even though it won't be for another week because of all my interviews and such. Which reminds me, I'm going home tonight so I can get a haircut....really need one of those lol. Plus, Ima need a mini-fridge for the El Dormo. Maybe ill get a few billion Brownian Fridges to keep my nano-beers cold (engineer joke). So one of my best riends left today...she cried the whole way out of the building.....I don't get my people get so emotional about this.. I mean yea it sux, but we will all see each othe in a few months, plus there are always visits to campus (its not like they don't know how to get here).



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