Monday, June 19, 2006

.........and so it begins....

So today I had another interview, this time with Ballinger. It soundsl ike an amazing place to work, but the pay isn't that great sp we will see where that goes. I also handed in all my paperwork so I can finally start working in the office legally lol. I made my binder today, which took friggen forever (considering I f#%$^d up when making it and had to go back and staple all the names in place so they wouldn't fall out).

On another note, I've also moved into my room, but it kind of seems like i've moved out of my life (weird I kno). But really, most of my new friends I made this year are gone for the summer, I don't live in East, and I'm doung work instead of school. Its weird. I hope this summer turns out to be awesome, really lookin forward to some good times with the pirates! I like where this is going.....

Until next time....


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