Tuesday, July 11, 2006

So this is how it is

So yea, I know its been a while since I've posted on here.....and I'm sorry for being remiss in my duties. Life has just sort of.....caught up with me. This past year went by so fast, and SO MUCH stuff was really packed into it. I started college, my girlfriend of over 2 yrs and I parted ways (not amicably), and I made a lot of new friends and had some awesome times here at Drexel. But as I sit here in my room thinking about everything, and listening to some of my favorite tunes, it hits me, I've never really absorbed all of this information. I mean, yea I know what happend, but I never really took time to understand it all. For instance, I was giving advice today, and it felt like I was talking to myself, not only helping this person with their problems, but walking myself through past events in my life....deep. Honestly, I'm just so thankfull for all of my friends I met here at Drexel who have been there for me over the past couple months as I went through everything, they really made the difference.

On the same note, one of my best friends may be coming up to visit on Saturday night, I'm friggen pumped. I haven't seen her since school let out for the summer, and can't wait to catch up before she goes back home.

Speaking of friends, why is it that people just can't get along sometimes. I mean theres a point where you joke, and theres a point where people's feelings get hurt. I hate having to sit around and listen to this crap, and am ashamed that I take part in it sometimes as well.

Do I make fun of people?--YES.

Do I feel bad about it afterward?--YES.

Am I going to stop?--NO.

Is there something wrong with that?--YES.

I don't know, I guess I just wish that everyone could be friends all the time, but maybe thats just transcendental fantasizing. But we can work towards it....right? I guess i've just realized that life is short and that we only have a certain amount of time to interact with people, and we never know that the things we do or say may affect people in ways unforseen to us beforehand. So the only option left open to any decent person seems to be to imporve the quality of life, not only for oneself, but for those around. For, if those around you are happy because of who you are, you have surrounded yourself with the truest of friends, and that can make the difference between a life worth living and simply existing.

I'm out,

Current music-- Sugarcult : "Hate Every Beautiful Day".