Tuesday, August 22, 2006


So I finally got my co-op assignment! I'm going to be working at EwingCole; It's an architectural firm over in center city (more specifically, the Federal Reserve Building). It's my first co-op and I'm really excited to get out there. The only thing is that it wasn't my first pick of a job. The one that I really wanted was to work for PECO. There, I would be pulling in 640 a week, and it's in the power field. This job is only 520 a week, and it's related to the power field, but not as much as PECO. Oh well, at least I get to get out there and experience what it's gonna be like. On a related note, I really need to go shopping for business attire, and since I'm not exactly a fasionista (probably spelled wrong), I would appreciate any comments giving me advice on what's good and what's not. Thnx



At 6:54 AM, Blogger Val said...

thongs. theyre very in right now


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