Saturday, July 22, 2006


As I stated in my last post, a bunch of the office people and I were to go out to El-Azteca last night, which went as planned. However, we were also supposed to go out afterwards, which fell thorugh. But it actually turned out to be a good time overall. A bunch of us just went up to Towers and chilled for a little while. Listened to some music, had some laughs, the usual. I wish this could happen more often, cuz these people are really pretty cool, and it was a blast hangin with them.

So on another note, I'm thinkin about pledging Pike (Pi Kappa Alpha) next year. A lot of people are telling me not too, but I don't really see a reason why. I'm already in a professional fraternity, and kind of want the experience of a social one as well. I guess I'll just have to see what happens during rush season. I'll check out a couple other frats to see what I like, and hopefully I'll find one that fits me well enough.


Current Music - Pressing On - Relient K