Monday, July 17, 2006

Random thoughts

Some of the office buds and I are going to El-Azteca this friday for a group dinner, and then out afterwards, should be lots-o-fun. Aside from that I don't know what this weekend will bring. The last couple of weekends have been downers because everyone seems to go home. I'd really like if everyone stayed for at least one weekend so we could have some fun. Maybe go to the beach or Great Adventure. We just spend so much time working together, that I think it would be great if could chill for a weekend together as friends, not just coworkers.

So I got this new mp3 player, its from philips, works ok. My last one crapped out a couple months ago, and I was just to lazy to get another one. So I spent last night putting all my music on it which gives me something to do while I'm typing at work (aka--now).

I went home last weekend to hang out with some friends and know. Then we went to the beach, which by the way is like 20 min from my house. That's one thing that I really miss about being home during the summer....the beach. I used to go maybe 3 or 4 times a week, but now its like once a month, and I'm not liking the change.

That's enough for today....I'm out


Current Song- 99 Red Balloons - Reel Big Fish


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