Thursday, September 07, 2006

YAY Hockey pt.2

SOooooooooooooooooooo. tonight is my first real hockey practice with the whole team. Practices are held in feasterville at the Sportsplex. I'll probably get lost going up there, but whatever, i'll just leave early. I've heard that these things are murder so wish me luck.

In other news, I've pretty much moved into my new house, leaving only a few things in the dorm to live off of. Can't wait to actually start living there....O....btw we are throwin a shindig this friday night, so everyone show up at 20 S 41st for housewarming lol. The place itself is kinda small cuz it's row-house, but it's gonna be crazy, and the roomies seem pretty chill.

One more thing, If anyone from Drexel is interested, we still have tickets for sale in the DAC after 6 o'clock for the Kayak/Canoe trip...........only $10


Curreenyt Music ~ Man with the Hex ~ by: The Atomic Fireballs


At 11:59 AM, Blogger Online Psychiatrist said...

hello pete


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