Tuesday, July 03, 2007

boom ticka

Sooooooooooooo. Interviews are over.....very nice! I'm not terribly excited about any of them, but whatev. My last coop employer (EwingCole) called me up and asked me to return.....we'll see. The work there was kind of boring, but it was easy money so I guess I shouldn't complain.

In other news, classes have started up again and I'm already feeling overwhelmed. I'm only taking 16 credits this term, but throw that in with 2 part time jobs and....well....you get the picture. However, my one part time job as a writing intensive tutor is the easiest thing i've done in my entire life. Seriously, breathing takes more effort than this job. I sit in an office for a acouple hours, rip people's papers apart, and get paid for it...I couldn't have asked for a better job haha.

Tomorrow is the 4th of July and I'm excited to of course not have to go to class, but that I'll be able to see the fireworks over the Art Museum again. Last year was a whole lot of fun (even though it rained). I kind of miss going home for these holidays; my friends and I used to sit out on the docks, or one of our boats and watch the fireworks over the bay......those were some good times. O well, I guess it's time to make some new memories!

Currently Listening to: "Bring me to Life": Evanescence


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