Tuesday, July 24, 2007

stepping back

....is really hard. I never realized how difficult it is to fully remove yourself from a given situation in order to look at it subjectively. When faced with life's trials and tribulations, we oft get emotionally attached and this imparies our decision making porcessi.....so I think im going to practice this. Not to be ant-social or anything, but I think I need to focus more on what is importatnt in life, not just the whims I tend to be feeling at the time, or the supposed requirements of everydaylife (except for breathing, thats kind of important all-around).
It seems as if emotional attachement has been getting me into trouble lately, so i guess I need some time to remove myself from the situation, think about what I want, and then, when I've got a clear head (and conscience) can I put myself back on the path that I was following (should I choose to remain). I think these little self-evaluations are important in life, just as in the professional world, you have task meetings with your coworkers....well this is kind of an introverted meeting (complete with me talking to myself haha....not that I'm crazy or anything....)

Currently Listening: "Forgiven" by Relient K


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