Tuesday, August 14, 2007

things and such

So it's week 8 of our 10-week term and things should be coming to a close....but they aren't. It seems like whenver i finish my work, there's always more to be done that I've forgotten about. I relly don't have any time anymore: between Warriors, school, and 2 jobs....I need a break. I'm supposed to get a 2-week vacation between the end of class and the start of my next co-op.....but.... they want me to start a week early, so i'll just have to make the best with what i'm given (story of my life).

I feel like i haven't slept since this term started, I've even had to start drikning coffee again just to function normally. Maybe next term will be easier, although I'm living in the Pike house....so we'll see how that goes.

I just need to step back and reevaluate some things in my life, but i feel like if i take that time, that i'll miss something.......what to do....

Currently Listening "Swing Sweet Pussycat" by: Atomic Fireballs.


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