Tuesday, August 07, 2007

updates and the like

these last few weeks have been utterly hectic (what else is new in my life haha). Aside form working 25 hrs a week, 16 credits, PKA, PGN, and Weekend Warriors.... I feel like i have no life anymore. When i finally do get some free time, I'm usually too tired to do anything productive.

Is this what I'm destined for? work....eat...sleep, repeat? I really hope not. I guess I'll just keep my hopes up and wish that something new and exciting will come along.

But even so...i feel kind of old. I'm arguably the youngest on many of my circles, but I feel a lot older than most of the people I know. I think i just got used to being in a professional environment on my lost co-op, and now it kind of pisses me off when people can't behave and do what is required of them. It's really hard being the President of WW sometimes, theres a lot of work, and you need to rely on others more often than yourself. but o well, I guess this is all good practice lol!

On another note, I've been feeling really conflicted lately (if you couldn't tell from my previous post haha). There a so many things tha I want to accomplish, and that I want to see come to fruition, but it seems like everywhere I turn there is something or someone holding me back. I remember a time when life was so hard that I was forced to rely on others just to survive....and now that others are failing me left and right.....I think I'm scared that it will go back to what it used to be.....

that's enough of that

Soooo, I've finally made a decision on where I will be living next year. Originally I was planning on living with one of my brothers. Dipin, but the spot in his has got taken, so I ended up living in the Pike house (my fraternity). I've got a couple trepidations about this arrangement, but I really have no other place to go. Hopefully I can score one of the smaller rooms upstairs so I can get enought sleep for work, rather then have to live in the 5 person room on the 2nd floor.

We'll see how it goes

Currently Listening: "Now or Never" Three Days Grace


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