Tuesday, August 29, 2006

YAY Hockey

So it seems that recently my life has revolved around hockey in one way or another. I spend about every other day at the gym doing the conditioning program set forth by our coach. On top of that we have conditioning as a team every Saturday morning (waves goodbye to friday nights for the next two months). ON TOP OF THAT, this past Sunday (usually when I get to rest and recover) I went to my boss' house to paint some of her rooms, and have a BBQ. Now, it just so happens that her oldest son is interested in hockey, so of course i brought my stuff with me to teach him how to play........and he was pretty good for a little guy. So basically, after being out of the hockey loop for almost 2 years now, I'm really excited to get back into it. Skating-intensive practices start in September, and then we have tryouts on the 30th. Unfortunately, this means I probably won't be able to go on the Weekend Warriors Kayaking trip that is scheduled for that day....bummer.

currently listening to - "The Green Fields of France" - Dropkick Murphys

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


So it's been quite a while since I've last blogged....and I am heartily sorry for that. We've been having an awesome time here at admissions getting to know some of you prefrosh, and becoming a family here as well. I've got to say, I'm kind of sorry it's coming to a close. However, we are still planning some sweet events. The best one being an ice-cream social reunion during the first week of fall term....should be fun. I can't wait for this year to start, it's going to be sweet: I've got my co-op at EwingCole, my little bro is finally starting High School (I get to help him out), I move into my new house, and all my friends from frosh year will finally be returning! I'm actua;;y having some mixed feelings about co-op though. I mean, what if it ends up being not what I imagined? I don't know, I guess I'll just have to trust, and hope that everything turns out all right in the end.....hey, it has so far.


So I finally got my co-op assignment! I'm going to be working at EwingCole; It's an architectural firm over in center city (more specifically, the Federal Reserve Building). It's my first co-op and I'm really excited to get out there. The only thing is that it wasn't my first pick of a job. The one that I really wanted was to work for PECO. There, I would be pulling in 640 a week, and it's in the power field. This job is only 520 a week, and it's related to the power field, but not as much as PECO. Oh well, at least I get to get out there and experience what it's gonna be like. On a related note, I really need to go shopping for business attire, and since I'm not exactly a fasionista (probably spelled wrong), I would appreciate any comments giving me advice on what's good and what's not. Thnx


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A good weekend all-in-all

This past weekend was SWEET!!!! Saturday was spent at the beach with some of the workers here at the office. It took us a little longer than was expected to get down there (on account of us missing the NJ turnpike three times in a row). But eventually we got there and headed almost straight to the beach. The weather was PERFECT, not so hot and humid as to make it miserable, but warm enough so that you needed to spend time in the water. What made it better is that the people I was with actually enjoy being in the water, as opposed to just laying on the sand for hours (I hate that). We played frisbee in the ocean, and it almost got lost, but we saved it in time. After the beach we all headed to a local diner for dinner. I got eggs (breakfast is always fantastic at NJ diners, no matter what the time of day). After dinner, some people left because they had to be back in philly which was understandable. However, Elena and I stayed at Amanda's house and watched some freaked-out 80's movie, while playing with her dog Nigel (he was awesome). Then I drove back Philly; it was a good day.

As if the weekend couldn't get any better, some of my friends came down from Scranton, PA and we all went out to Six Flags: Great Adventure. The first ride we went on was Superman......now i've had a season pass every year since I was 5, so out of all the rides, superman is actually my least favorite, but whatever. It broke. We waited too long. After that we went on batman (almost no line), Nitro (same deal), and then Medusa (no line at all), so we did make up for lost time. I hate how they charge so much for water at theme parks, its highway robbery. The girls we were with insisted on going on the log-flume, and guess who got to sit in the front, and as a result got soaking wet....yours truly! That was gay.....but again it was made up for by the fact that we got to go on King Da Ka, only the most awesome ride in the park. For those of you who don't know it's like the tallest rollercoaster in the world and goes from 0 to 128mph in like 3 seconds..........AMAZING, not to mention the view from the top of the coaster is breathtaking.

Afterwards we watched the fireworks from the parking lot and went to WaWa for dinner before we drove home.

I can't wait for these guys to come back to school again!

Current Music - "So long toots" - Cherry Poppin Daddies