Thursday, August 23, 2007

rock it

...hard....which is exactly what I did to my Systems exam this morning. I was freaking out all day yesterday about not knowing the information but I woke up at 4AM (as per my norm study routine) and within an hour and a half I had pretty much champed out everything there was to know. I took my time on the exam and I feel that I did very well. Now all thats left is to:
Finish Java
Java Lab
Work on the Debate Tonight
Present the Debate Tomorrow
Review papers for CIVE 240
Finish my job application
Get my physical and drug test for co-op
Run a trip on Saturday to Great Adventure
Fix my financial aid package
Finish my JAVA Final Project
...and of course work at the admissions office (including events)

....yea I love my life...haha.....sigh

Currently Listening to : "A moment of Violence" by Streetlight Manifesto


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