Wednesday, June 28, 2006

to explain the title of my last post....


Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I pinch

so taday was a good day. I had two more of my interviews, only two more to go, and I think they went pretty well. We are actually doing some realy work in the admissions office no though lol. After work I went to the gym for an hour which was good because its been awhile, and its something i need yo start getting into again. After that a bunch of us played Taboo and just hung out, good times. So apparently Dana, one of my co-workers, has a friggen pool in her living naturally we wanted to go see it. So we took a trip to see her new "pool" at like midnight, followed by a fun walk in the rain. All in all it was a good day.

Friday, June 23, 2006

RIP: Five Iron Frenzy

Making young girls pine
I don’t have the time
Babies get in line
I’ve got a protractor
Got a stapler now
it goes “Ka-ching”
gotta have the math club crown me king
gotta rock the screen with the cosine graphing
on my calculator
If you’re up
and if you want
a piece of me
wave goodbye and blow a kiss
‘Cause you can’t handle this

No, No, No
you can’t handle this.

Through my glasses glare
you’ll see savoir faire
beneath my icy stare
I’ve got a retainer
Maybe I’m the physics main event
maybe I’m the chem club president
maybe even Texas Instruments
thinks that I’m coplanar
If you’re up
and if you want
a piece of me
wave goodbye and blow a kiss
‘Cause you can’t handle this

And Leonard Nemoy
can’t stand up to this
And Captain James T. Kirk
bows beneath my fists
And I am awesome
I am the awesomest

Thursday, June 22, 2006

..Bouncing off the walls again..

So today was exciting! I had my interview with Excelon....really want that job. And another one up on Chestnut Hill....took me forever and a half to find lol. Aside from that today was pretty busy, what with all the "work" we do in the office haha hehe hoho. Just kidding. This week has pretty much just been preparing for all the stuff we will be doing this summer, but I'm excited to start actually getting out there and talking to people. I think I might go home to go to the beach this weekend....I mmiss the ocean, I mean I used to go like everyday in the summer, it feels so weird to not be going on days like today.......o well. Until next time................ AWWWWWWWWWWW SNAP!!!!

Monday, June 19, 2006

.........and so it begins....

So today I had another interview, this time with Ballinger. It soundsl ike an amazing place to work, but the pay isn't that great sp we will see where that goes. I also handed in all my paperwork so I can finally start working in the office legally lol. I made my binder today, which took friggen forever (considering I f#%$^d up when making it and had to go back and staple all the names in place so they wouldn't fall out).

On another note, I've also moved into my room, but it kind of seems like i've moved out of my life (weird I kno). But really, most of my new friends I made this year are gone for the summer, I don't live in East, and I'm doung work instead of school. Its weird. I hope this summer turns out to be awesome, really lookin forward to some good times with the pirates! I like where this is going.....

Until next time....

Friday, June 16, 2006 mate....

So I'm finally done for the year.....bleh. My last final in MAterials I was HORRIBIBBLLLLEEEEE. thats right. stupid class. O well, nothing to do now but look towards the future. So I'm taking a class called Religion in Dialogue this summer for three credits. Hopefully, it lives up to my expectations. I'm really excited to start working at admissions full-time, even though it won't be for another week because of all my interviews and such. Which reminds me, I'm going home tonight so I can get a haircut....really need one of those lol. Plus, Ima need a mini-fridge for the El Dormo. Maybe ill get a few billion Brownian Fridges to keep my nano-beers cold (engineer joke). So one of my best riends left today...she cried the whole way out of the building.....I don't get my people get so emotional about this.. I mean yea it sux, but we will all see each othe in a few months, plus there are always visits to campus (its not like they don't know how to get here).


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

"The Science of Selling Yourself Short"

I've come to my senses,That I've become senseless,I could give you lessons on how to ruin your friendships,Every last conviction, I smoked them all away,I drank my frustrations down the drain, out of the way,So I sit and wait and wonder,"Does anyone else feel like me?"Someone so tired of their routines and disappearing self-esteems,
I'll sing along,Yeah with every emergency,Just sing along,I'm the king of catastrophies,I'm so far gone,That deep down inside I think it's fine by me,I'm my own worst enemy
I could be an expert on co-dependency,I could write the best book on underage tragedy,I've been spending my time at the local liquor store,I've been sleeping nightly on my best friends kitchen floor,So I sit and wait and wonder,"Does anyone else feel like me?"I'm so over-dosed on apathy and burnt out on sympathy.
Let the meaning slip awayLost my faith in another day,Self deprication seems okay,I never thought I'd make it anyway
I'm my own worst enemy [x5]

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


So i woke up today and called all of my possible jobs for Co-op. About half didnt even answer the phone so i left messages and got replies back for a few. feels good to finally get that part done, I only have to go an the actual interviews. So iI gave my first tour by myself today and it went pretty well, excited about that lol. I've got a BIO tomorrow morning wich I am not looking forward too, but at leas I'll finally be done with the class at 10 tomorrow morning. Then its time to study for EDL and everyones favorite....Materials I.

Aside from all that school stuff, this part of the year is pretty sad. See, as a freshman we get our summer term off, so everyone goes home. But since I'm working at Drexel Admissions over the summer I get to stay here (don't get me wrong I'm excited), its just sad to see everyone go. One of my good friends is actually leaving tomorrow so we are taking her out for Rita's water ice (only the greatest thing ever) before she leaves. Kind of hard to believe that after we all just really get to know people, we won't get to see most of them for 3 months, 9 if my Co-op takes me away from Philly. ........sigh

Monday, June 12, 2006

Good day

So today i FINALLY finished my "training" for giving campus walking tours....something i've been meaning to do. There just wasn't enought time in my schedule before with frshman design prject. But I figured since I'm going to be working at admissions over the summer its kinda something i'll need. On another note, I had my Physics III - E and M final this morning which was awesome. See, normally I would've studied for hours on end, but i was lazy last night and ended up only tudying for about an hour. So I woke up early this morning to finiah....but wasn't that much work on my part....and I still destroyed that test. So tomorrow I have no finals, but I need to "study" for bio....which brings me to my next topic....

Why as Engineers do i need to take bio? And not just regular bio, but stupid, insignificant bio that happens to be taught by a Nazi. We are assign about 60 pages to read for any given quiz....which is 16 questions long. Now, lets do the math shall we? So we have roughly 1 question ever 4 pages. Now to me....and I may be crazy....a test or quiz should test knowledge of usefull information (especially since we are paying for this), it should NOT however test insignificant bits of information that have no consequence to me whatesoever. Such as: "what microbe causes Malaria?" (A one-liner in our text). Now, tell me if you will, when in my future as an Electrical Engineer will I need to know this? I am so glad that CoE decided to change the curriculum for next year, so that hopefully no one ever needs to be taught by this bitter and vengeull professor ever again. Think I'm lying? One of my friends who won't be here for the last part of finals week asked to take the final early (accompanied by a note from a professor asking permission to do just that) and she was yelled at! WTF professor Quinlan. Get a life besides making intelligent students miserable with your course.........and that is what grinds my gears.

Sunday, June 11, 2006


So today we had our kickball game against the execs.....and as i predicted...we won. The final score being 7-1. Afterwards we all grilled up some burgers and dogs on Buckley field, something which we weren't sipposed to do...oops. So its almost five o'clock and I still haven't started studying for physics lol. I am very lazy right now, and procrastination seems to be my forte.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Eye surgery

So i was thinking: "What if you only had enough money to have laser eye surgery done on one of your eyes?" Wouldn't that be awesome?! Seriously, you could wear a monicle and maybe even a top-hat to finish it off. And, if it went wrong, you could wear an eyepatch and be like a pirate. I think its a win-win situation to me...................just a thought

last night of freedom as a freshman

Yes thats right, tonight is the last night i will have ass a freshman where i won't have to study. Finals week is always lots of fun.......So yea some of my buds and I are gonna play poker later till I win, cuz i always win :) Tomorrow we have a kickball game against the execs, who are gonna go down (considering that we have like e^75 times more people than them). Then its hours upon hours of E and M for my physics final on monday.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

I hate idiots my friend asked me to peer-review her paper for HUM 108...simole enough right? So her roomie is a comm. major and has the nerve to tell me that my advice on the poetry is wrong. She says and i quote: "You are an engineer, so you don't know anything about poetry." Hmmmmm now lets analyze this statement shall we? You are basing your ENTIRE argument on a intelligent of you. My advice was that she should re-write a paragraph because she missinterpreted the poem....which she did. The poem, written in prose, specifically outlines the authors point of view and as such is not open to interpretation....kinda like if i say 2+2=4, you can't interpreate that to say "i like pie" .....sorry doesn't work that way. Not every poem is open to the random interpreation of those reading it. In conclusion....i hate idiots who think they are always better than you based on something other than factual information.

That was fun..........

So i just had my first interview of twelve...sweet. It was at pfizer global Inc. They make a lot of different products, specifically at this plant they make 90% of the world's supply of Listerene. Pretty cool. I got to see how the plant works and all the ins and out of the tanks and pressurized mechanizms. The guy who did my interview was prett chill. Easy to talk to but he was still so intelligent that it made you feel like an idiot. He was definately a lot of help in letting me know what i did right and wrong. Not really sure if I want thia job though. The money is AMAZING but its in Lititz which is a 1.5hr drove away, so I wouldn't get to see any of my friends here at Drexel for the whole co-op term. O well, we shall see what the future brings.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Last week o frosh year

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!<- tis is wha this last week is doing to me. Loads of assignments are due all at the same time. Not to mention signing up for interview times for the 12 interviews i received for co-op (yes i know im awesome). So i've got my first interview tomorrow at 11 in Lititz PA which is a 1.5hr drive from Plus i get to miss my last two classes for it which id probably not a good thing. o well.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

test # 2

test #2 yay